"HEALTH is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being."
Lymphatic Massage Gold Coast & Brisbane
Specialising in Lymphatic drainage, for Lymphoedema, Lipoedema, Post Surgery and Women's Health.
Welcome to Bliss and Soul Wellness
Bliss and Soul Wellness is a leading specialist in Lymphatic Drainage Massage and experts in pre and post-surgery care, located on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane.
We offer Lymphatic Drainage Massage and optional post-surgery care packages for your healing journey and wellbeing. This allows you to heal holistically whilst in our care.
Kristina is a highly trained specialist in Lymphatic Drainage Massage, with years of experience. In addition to being a Certified Decongestive Therapist (Lymphoedema), she has also completed her level 3 certificate in Dr Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage. This training is considered the absolute 'gold standard' in lymphatic drainage training.
In addition to pre and post-surgery recovery, we can also help to manage conditions such as lymphoedema and lipoedema. Other conditions we can help with are swelling/oedema, abdominal bloating, constipation, hormonal health, fatigue, poor immune health, and to assist with your detox programme.
Kristina is also a bachelor qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist. She specialises in guiding you on a anti-inflammatory pathway. This can be achieved through nutritional advice, herbal and nutraceutical supplements, and diet and lifestyle recommendations. Kristina's aim is to provide the best possible care to her clients through a holistic and individualised approach. She ensures all treatment plans are specialised to your own specific needs.
Kristina has qualifications in:
Naturopathy/Nutrition (BHSc)
Remedial Massage (Dip.Rem).​
Dr Vodder MLD Level 3. (Cert.)
Decongestive Therapist Lymphoedema (Cert.)
Pre/post-natal Massage (Cert.)
Pilates Level 2 Matwork (Cert.)
Yoga and Meditation Instructor (Cert).
All health fund rebates.

Kristina Chase
Ph: 0404 280 649
37 Moolabar St,
(Appt only)
Gold Coast
Clinic: Runaway Bay
(Full address given at time of booking).